I was chatting with a past client this morning. They love the house we found for them but they are unhappy with the lawn. The grass under the trees has all died off despite heavy watering.
It’s not a water problem; it’s a sunlight (really a lack of sunlight) problem!
When they purchased the home, the trees had been kept trimmed and thinned out allowing sunlight to reach the ground. Over the past couple of years, the new owners had not kept up with the trees. The Bradford Pear trees that line their driveway grow much quicker that the Live Oaks and had completely blocked out the sunlight from reaching the ground.
All they need to do is to trim and thin the trees’ canopies and reseed under the trees. Rather than Bermuda, Zoyia grass might be a better choice as it requires less sunlight.
According to zoysias.com, “In the south Zoysia has good shade tolerance while in the cooler areas it needs more sun…Zoysia establishes a dense thick turf that crowds out weeds after several mowings.”
Tree trimming and thinning should be completed every year. Visit our Business Directory for lawn and landscape contractors who can take care of your trees.
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