Homes for Sale in North Dallas with Storm Shelters

Twister on countrysideWe often field phone calls from people relocating to the North Dallas area looking for homes with basements. While some are relocating from areas with basements, many are concerned about tornados. While there are a few older homes with basements, there are also homes that have a storm cellar or shelter. These are primarily found in the rural areas, but we do see them in the suburban and urban areas as well.

According to CBS News the odds of a strong tornado hitting your home directly are extremely small. You can expect it to happen about once in every 8,000 years.

Storm shelters can be added to any home. Some are installed below ground and others are steel boxes that are engineered to withstand large tornados. We checked with a few local installers and found that prices start at about $7500 and go up depending upon the size of the shelter and how it will be installed on the property.

Click here to see all homes for sale in North Dallas with storm shelters.

Contact us at 214-227-6626 if you have questions or need additional information.

Tom and Gina Signatures

Photo: Licensed from iStockPhoto

About Tom Branch

Tom Branch has written 597 posts in this blog.

Have you ever just met someone, but felt you like you'd known him for years? That's what most people experience with Tom. He has a knack for making folks feel right at home. After 21 years in the Air Force, loyalty and honesty are the foundation of everything Tom does. In addition to being a Texas Real Estate Broker, Tom is a Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) and a Short Sales & Foreclosure Resource (SFR).